About Sweet Peach Tree
Caregivers of diverse, multiracial families can feel overwhelmed when they need help navigating the complexities of caring for their family's diverse hair and skin types. Sweet Peach Tree offers inclusive solutions, empowering parents and children to feel confident in their bodies from head to toe.
We support your family's hair and skin care journey by offering natural products that foster confidence, pride and self-love in every member.
Why we exist
From Breast Cancer to Hair Care: How One Devastating Diagnosis Led Me to Life’s Greatest Joys.
Breast cancer shook me to my core—as it does for anyone—but I knew it was a singular battle. With the love and support of others, it was still my journey, my fight. So when this devastating diagnosis eventually led to one of life’s greatest joys—the adoption of our daughter—I found myself frozen in fear, once again. But this time, it was different. It was bigger than just me.
Overnight, I became the mother of a daughter outside my race. With this beautiful adoption came an even greater responsibility: the realization that proper hair and skin care, when parenting across cultures, is crucial to a child’s well-being—inside and out.
To be whole and confident, my daughter needs a mom who understands how to care for her melanin-rich skin and beautifully intricate coils. I needed guidance, direction, and products. And having already faced cancer, I knew I needed chemical-free ingredients.
While there's no shortage of beauty products, for moms like me—with a child of a different race—it can feel overwhelming, even defeating, to admit that help is needed in navigating the complexities of caring for your family's diverse hair and skin needs. We need both guidance and natural, inclusive solutions we can trust.
It became my purpose—and my passion—to dive deep into the world of hair and skin care for multiracial families like ours.
Families come together in many ways. If yours celebrates more than one background, more than one race, you know that recognizing the beauty in each person builds confidence, self-esteem, and a strong sense of identity.
At Sweet Peach Tree, families—blended, diverse, unique and beautiful—have access to natural, safe, and effective products that celebrate each individual’s beautiful curls and glowing complexions.
One family, one store.